Friday, February 21, 2014

Journeys in Spirit

I have reconnected with my beliefs and practices in spirit with Native Americans.  It is a renewal I have delayed too long.  I am drumming, smudging and journeying again, centered and balanced on my walk on this earth.   I am singing up the sun each morning in my renewed commitment to Mother Earth.  Posting more soon

Thursday, August 23, 2012

So, the court business with our son, is over.!  Going through Probate Court and battling his bio Mom has been hell.  11 months of strangers poking into our lives and deciding if he should live with us (who he has been with since he was 6 mos old) or her, who has been in prison most of his life.  She began all of this last September.  She betrayed our trust in her, and stopped at nothing to make us out to be evil people.  Never have had any thanks from her for raising her son with love and acceptance.  Never could see the effects it had on her son, or on us.  She was miserable too. 

With it over, she has less visitation than she had before all this started.  I will continue to document everything, since I know never to trust her again. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Ok, back again.  Consistency has not been my strong suit here.  I have been merrily knitting away and have found lots of value in it as a stress reducer and a way to stay in the present moment.  Seriously considering doing a group for those with Anxiety.  Teach them to knit or crochet and have regular meet-ups about knitting and conversation, sharing strategies, etc.  No idea about how many people would be interested. 

Business has been successful - new clients filling in when others finish up.  I am fortunate in my suite mate, garnering some referrals from her as well.  I do need a break though.  Feeling a little burnt out, need some time for R&R - alone.  I get a four day weekend every week and feel a little guilty for asking for it, but I feel the need to get away.

Kids are growing like weeds with Isaiah towering over me and Annalisa inching up.  They are active this summer in Swimming (Annalisa) and Laker Basketball Camp (Isaiah)  Love them so much. 

So, doing art, therapy and enjoying the kids keeps me counting my blessings.  What blessings do you have to count?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Officially blogging again! I have picked up the knitting needles again after 20 years and am fast becoming a yarn snob!  Karen at ABC's Of Creative Pursuits store has converted me.  I have many patterns saved on and am currently working on three projects.  Knitting always reminds me of my Aunt Muriel.   She is the one who taught me to knit, was a taskmaster, but I learned well and I'm forever grateful to her.  She died several yeas ago, but lives on in the stitches I make.  Family traditions move on.  My mother did nothing in the way of crafts but my Croatian granmother croched and I have some of her pieces.  I treasure them.